Saturday, March 26, 2011

Top of Tower

I need help- what does the back of the tower look like?
(Falkner Werkhaven is the man)
My first 5 followers will... get some recognition. In my Minecraft structures, maybe...

Progress of tower. How the heck can I make a crashed plane?!

Mega update
Not sure how I feel about the trees and the top left tower, I should fix those soon.

Added small trees, fixed large trees, added back tower.

Better lighting

Main tower

Of course it's not big enough.

Updates are coming.

I had to INVedit in some grass and leaves. I feel like a cheater :(
the grass and leaves really help out the look, though. I'm pleased with the way that the mini palm trees turned out.

Base of the Plastic Beach

9 stacks of 64 Netherrack, 4 stacks of 64 sand and a stack of 64 dirt later... I have some of my base filled out. This is looking a little small, so I may expand. I'm using the Qpack texture pack, and the Single Player Commands mod solely for the purpose of flying, in order to take awesome pictures. Anything for you, my... 0 followers.

Progress... I think its up to 13 stacks of Netherrack now. Is it ok for me to change from 'Normal' to 'Peaceful' now? I am sick of almost dying everytime I go into the Nether. :P

Complete base. 21 stacks of Netherrack. It feels like I transported the entire Nether into my world. Anyway, here is the base in all its rectangular glory. I will work on details later, but now it's time to see if the base is large enough.

Netherrack base

Due to a lack of comments because of the undiscovered-ness of my blog, I made an executive decision to mine Netherrack. I hate the Nether. Surprisingly, i quickly found a lava pool and an iron outcropping, and made a portal. Here is the making of the base of Plastic Beach, pure Netherrack.



If anyone is reading this, should I build the rock out of Netherrack, Sandstone, Dirt or Stone? Netherrack is much harder to find, but for aesthetic purposes I'm willing to do it. This is the model I'm using.
Feedback plox


I fired up Minecraft, and in the world seed "Zikel" I instantly stumbled upon a rare gathering of Squids. I'm probably going to build an aquarium for them when I find the patience to do so.

Plastic Beach- Beginnings

I recently rediscovered my favorite album from last year, Plastic Beach by the Gorillaz, and I am inspired to build the Beach itself in Minecraft form. My world seed- Zikel. I read somewhere that it is a huge ocean.