9 stacks of 64 Netherrack, 4 stacks of 64 sand and a stack of 64 dirt later... I have some of my base filled out. This is looking a little small, so I may expand. I'm using the Qpack texture pack, and the Single Player Commands mod solely for the purpose of flying, in order to take awesome pictures. Anything for you, my... 0 followers.
Progress... I think its up to 13 stacks of Netherrack now. Is it ok for me to change from 'Normal' to 'Peaceful' now? I am sick of almost dying everytime I go into the Nether. :P
Complete base. 21 stacks of Netherrack. It feels like I transported the entire Nether into my world. Anyway, here is the base in all its rectangular glory. I will work on details later, but now it's time to see if the base is large enough.